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Cary Horning commented on this post about 1 year ago
I remain in awe over how many years some of these fall fairs have been operating.
Diana Mohrsen It has been so interesting reading the histories of some of these fairs. Where the idea came from, the people who got together andDiana Mohrsen It has been so interesting reading the histories of some of these fairs. Where the idea came from, the people who got together and started these incredible fairs. I am sure the original groups would be impressed to see the fruits of their labours and what these fairs have come to be all these years later. More ...
Cary Horning I'm beginning to think it's an older Canadian tradition than our hockey games.
Diana Mohrsen The fairs have been around longer than hockey for sure. The 1st Fair was in 1812 and Hockey was 1875.
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