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The Burlington Festival of Lights 2023 begins on November 24th to January 8th at Spencer Smith Park, Burlington, Ontario...
The Burlington Festival of Lights 2023 begins on November 24th to January 8th at Spencer Smith Park, Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
Burlington’s waterfront will be illuminated with thousands and thousands of sparkling holiday lights and magical displays.
Come stroll through the Park and enjoy the magic of Christmas that families from the area and beyond have enjoyed for 28 years.
This is a FREE Family Friendly, Pet-Friendly Event.
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  •   Kim Kenyon reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Burlington Festival of Lights 2023 - Burlington Ontario Canada

    The Burlington Festival of Lights 2023 begins on November 24th to January 8th at Spencer Smith Park, Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
    Burlington’s waterfront will be illuminated with thousands and thousands of sparkling holiday lights and magical displays.
    Come stroll through the Park and enjoy the...
    The Burlington Festival of Lights 2023 begins on November 24th to January 8th at Spencer Smith Park, Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
    Burlington’s waterfront will be illuminated with thousands and thousands of sparkling holiday lights and magical displays.
    Come stroll through the Park and enjoy the magic of Christmas that families from the area and beyond have enjoyed for 28 years.
    This is a FREE Family Friendly, Pet-Friendly Event.
    24th Nov, 2023 4:00PM - America/Toronto
    • This is one of my favourite parks in Burlington. They always do such a great job with their light display.
    • Lisa Muldoon l agree 100%. I grew up on Lakeshore in Burlington and Spencer Smith Park has made great use of the park space with this great lightLisa Muldoon l agree 100%. I grew up on Lakeshore in Burlington and Spencer Smith Park has made great use of the park space with this great light display.   More ...
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