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Event Information
Event Title:
Calgary Maple Festival
Event Date / Time:

2nd Mar, 2019 9:00AM


3rd Mar, 2019 5:00PM

Event Description:

The Maple Festival in Calgary is a unique experience that has become a must see event in March.

Located in a genuine and charming atmosphere, come celebrate an Eastern Canada tradition at the historical village of Heritage Park.

You will discover French-Canadian, Metis and First Nations folk music and dance, participate in circus and crafts workshops, find delectable local products at the new Sugar Market, have family fun with lots of outdoor activities.

Experience a horse-drawn hay wagon ride, enjoy a traditional maple shack meal and don’t forget to taste a delicious maple taffy on snow.

See you there! Heritage Park 1900 Heritage Drive SW, Calgary, Alberta

Heritage Park, Calgary, AB T2V, Canada
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