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Three days filled with Music, Activities and World Class Racing   Every year, the waters of False Creek are broug...

Three days filled with Music, Activities and World Class Racing


Every year, the waters of False Creek are brought to life by dragon boating teams from across the world.         The Concord Pacific Dragon Boat Festival is one of the largest community festivals in Vancouver, and it is a FREE entry event.

Three days of races, food, music and some pretty spectacular scenery to boot!

From June 21 to 23, Concord Pacific Dragon Boat Festival will welcome 5,500 top paddlers on 200 dragon boat teams from across Canada and around the world, including Australia, China, Chinese Taipei, Germany, Hong Kong, Macau, the Philippines, and the United States.

Join the estimated 100,000 spectators that line the waterfront vantage points from Creekside Community Centre and Science World to Concord Pacific Place and cheer on your favorite Dragon Boat!


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  •   EH Canada Marketing Group commented on this post about 6 years ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Concord Pacific Dragon Boat Festival

    Three days filled with Music, Activities and World Class Racing


    Every year, the waters of False Creek are brought to life by dragon boating teams from across the world.         The Concord Pacific Dragon Boat Festival is one of the largest community festivals in Vancouver, and it is a FREE en...

    Three days filled with Music, Activities and World Class Racing


    Every year, the waters of False Creek are brought to life by dragon boating teams from across the world.         The Concord Pacific Dragon Boat Festival is one of the largest community festivals in Vancouver, and it is a FREE entry event.

    Three days of races, food, music and some pretty spectacular scenery to boot!

    From June 21 to 23, Concord Pacific Dragon Boat Festival will welcome 5,500 top paddlers on 200 dragon boat teams from across Canada and around the world, including Australia, China, Chinese Taipei, Germany, Hong Kong, Macau, the Philippines, and the United States.

    Join the estimated 100,000 spectators that line the waterfront vantage points from Creekside Community Centre and Science World to Concord Pacific Place and cheer on your favorite Dragon Boat!


    21st Jun, 2019 3:00PM - America/Vancouver
    • Thank you Cary.
    • Don't forget to also check out the Dragon Boat Festival in Harrison Hot Springs too!

      Harrison Dragon Boat Festival
      Jul 27, 2019

      Annual HarrisonDon't forget to also check out the Dragon Boat Festival in Harrison Hot Springs too!

      Harrison Dragon Boat Festival
      Jul 27, 2019

      Annual Harrison Dragon Boat Festival

      Colorful, vibrant atmosphere…

      this great event brings teams from around the province. Watch as they race along the lakeshore in fierce competition.
      Spectators welcome. www.harrisondragonboat.com

      Harrison Lake
        More ...
    • We like this trend. Dragon Boat Festivals. There are many in the province. This looks like another dandy!
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