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  •   Cary Horning reacted to this post about 3 years ago
    Samantha Sewell created a new event

    Mystic A-Fair 2-Day Psychic Show

    This two-day Psychic Show, an old favourite for Vernon is finally returning after a 2-year hiatus due to COVID!
    Four of Okanagan's best Psychics will be in attendance to perform Tarot readings, palm reads, crystal reading, and more.
    Admission is only a Toonie (2$) from Noon until 6pm each day...
    This two-day Psychic Show, an old favourite for Vernon is finally returning after a 2-year hiatus due to COVID!
    Four of Okanagan's best Psychics will be in attendance to perform Tarot readings, palm reads, crystal reading, and more.
    Admission is only a Toonie (2$) from Noon until 6pm each day at The Essence Spiritual Bookstore ( also known as the Okanagan Centre for Spiritual Living).
    21st Jan, 2022 12:00PM - America/Dawson_Creek
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