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  •   Cary Horning reacted to this post about 2 years ago
    Andrea Horning created a new event

    Beaumont Alberta Farmers' Market 2022

    The Beaumont Alberta Farmers' Market located in Beaumont Alberta at 5012B 50 St in Centre-Ville Park! Also known as "Poutine Park" or "that park behind Chartier"
    Come for your go to vendor, and leave with some new favorites.
    Make it, bake it, grow it. You'll find so many amazing items!
    The Beaumont Alberta Farmers' Market located in Beaumont Alberta at 5012B 50 St in Centre-Ville Park! Also known as "Poutine Park" or "that park behind Chartier"
    Come for your go to vendor, and leave with some new favorites.
    Make it, bake it, grow it. You'll find so many amazing items!
    Every Thursday from 5pm-8pm until Sept 22.
    30th Jun, 2022 5:00PM - America/Edmonton
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