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  •   Sarah Stewart commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Kim Kenyon created a new event

    Festival of the Dead: The Phantom of the Opera

    Festival of the Dead: The Phantom of the Opera, Victoria, British Columbia

    Get ready for a spooky evening of The Phantom of the Opera held at Christ Church Cathedral with David Briggs, internationally acclaimed organ virtuoso, providing accompaniment to the 1925 silent film Phantom of the Oper...
    Festival of the Dead: The Phantom of the Opera, Victoria, British Columbia

    Get ready for a spooky evening of The Phantom of the Opera held at Christ Church Cathedral with David Briggs, internationally acclaimed organ virtuoso, providing accompaniment to the 1925 silent film Phantom of the Opera. This 1925 film directed by Rupert Julian and staring Lon Chaney, is an early classic of the horror genre. What better atmospheric affect than to view this classic from within a cathedral!

    David Briggs is currently the Artist in Residence for New York City's Cathedral Church of St. John the Devine.

    TICKETS: $25 can be purchased from Eventbrite:

    29th Oct, 2022 7:30PM - UTC
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