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  •   EH Canada Marketing Group commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Third + Bird Christmas Market, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

    The Third + Bird Christmas Market at the Red River Exhibition Place has 170 Canadian makers, and this year there are 30 new makers for you to see.
    2022 will be the BIGGEST market yet in its 14-year history
    Bring your shopping list and we'll see you soon!

    The Third + Bird Christmas Market at the Red River Exhibition Place has 170 Canadian makers, and this year there are 30 new makers for you to see.
    2022 will be the BIGGEST market yet in its 14-year history
    Bring your shopping list and we'll see you soon!


    Fri Nov 18 - Early Bird Pre-shop - 5-9:15 pm

    Sat Nov 19 - General Admission - 9 am-7:45 pm

    Sun Nov 20 - General Admission - 12 pm-4:15 pm

    Early Bird Pre-shop tickets: $25 + GST

    General Admission tickets: $10 + GST
    18th Nov, 2022 5:00PM - America/Winnipeg
    • I had to Google "Third and Bird", the rhyme tickled my ears. I thought maybe a street intersection, but no, it happens to be Winnipeg's largest urbanI had to Google "Third and Bird", the rhyme tickled my ears. I thought maybe a street intersection, but no, it happens to be Winnipeg's largest urban market! It's also a children's TV show out of London, but doubt there is any connection.   More ...
    • Kim Kenyon So loved that you had to search, "Third and Bird". That is what it is all about learning and engaging.
    • Now that's some good Karma Kim!
    • I'm certainly getting in the Christmas spirit with all these Christmas market announcements.
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