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  •   Cora Lee Rennie commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Sylvan Lake Ice Dragon Boat Festival, Sylvan Lake, Alberta

    Come visit Sylvan Lake, Alberta February 10-12 for the Sylvan Lake Ice Dragon Boat Festival!
    The dragon boats on skates are propelled forward by spiked paddles in a race to the finish line...
    Register online by February 3rd, 2023, and create your team of 8-16 people.
    Spots are limited!
    Team ...
    Come visit Sylvan Lake, Alberta February 10-12 for the Sylvan Lake Ice Dragon Boat Festival!
    The dragon boats on skates are propelled forward by spiked paddles in a race to the finish line...
    Register online by February 3rd, 2023, and create your team of 8-16 people.
    Spots are limited!
    Team details are available at the registration link.
    Practices will take place on Friday night with races on Saturday
    Lots of other activities throughout the weekend including the Ice Slide!
    Come cheer on the Ice Dragon Boats!
    10th Feb, 2023 9:00AM - America/Edmonton
    • Kelly Francois
      This sounds amazing! I wish I was able to go!
    • So glad you posted this one! It sounds so unique
    • Ice Dragon boating is really hard! You have to move the boat from a dead stop, on ice.
      The 'paddles' are different - they have spikes in the bottomIce Dragon boating is really hard! You have to move the boat from a dead stop, on ice.
      The 'paddles' are different - they have spikes in the bottom to help grip the ice.
      Jeff and I were on a team for the 1st ever Canadian Ice Dragon Boat Festival in Ottawa in 2017 - so much fun!
        More ...
    • This sounds amazing!!
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