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  •   Diana Mohrsen reacted to this post about 2 years ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Maple Syrup Experience 2023 - Elliott Tree Farm, Erin, Ontario

    Family Day, Monday, February 20th,2023 you can bring the kids to Elliott Tree Farm in Erin, Ontario for a true Maple Experience.
    Again for the next 7 weekends on Saturdays & Sundays from February 25 to April 9th, the Maple Experience can be enjoyed.
    Reservations available for : 9:00 am | 10:00 ...
    Family Day, Monday, February 20th,2023 you can bring the kids to Elliott Tree Farm in Erin, Ontario for a true Maple Experience.
    Again for the next 7 weekends on Saturdays & Sundays from February 25 to April 9th, the Maple Experience can be enjoyed.
    Reservations available for : 9:00 am | 10:00 am | 11:00 am | 12:00 pm | 1:00 pm | 2:00 pm
    Come hungry and head to the Horse Barn Canteen for delicious all-you-can-eat pancakes with real maple syrup. Maple Syrup that is Award Winning!
    Hear the history of Maple Syrup and taste some fabulous Maple Syrup then head out and take the Sugarbush Trail to see all the sap buckets.
    Don't forget to visit the Sugar Shack too!

    For tickets and more details visit Elliott Tree Farms' website

    #MapleSyrup #Family Day #Campfire #MakingMemories
    20th Feb, 2023 9:00AM - America/Toronto
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