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  •   Kim Kenyon commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Lisa Muldoon created a new event

    4th Annual Invermere Film Festival

    The Invermere Film Festival is an annual four-day festival held every February at the Columbia Valley Centre in Invermere, BC. The Invermere Film Festival screens films from around the globe, with a focus on the best Canadian, B.C. & Alberta films of the year.

    FEBRUARY 2 - 5TH, 2023
    COLUMBIA ...
    The Invermere Film Festival is an annual four-day festival held every February at the Columbia Valley Centre in Invermere, BC. The Invermere Film Festival screens films from around the globe, with a focus on the best Canadian, B.C. & Alberta films of the year.

    FEBRUARY 2 - 5TH, 2023
    Supporting the Mountain of Hope Society

    Festival Passes ($35), and Individual Tickets ($10).
    The Festival Pass gets you Tickets to all seven movies
    2nd Feb, 2023 6:30PM - America/Swift_Current
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