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  •   Kim Kenyon reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Tania Stewart created a new event

    The Nicola Valley Arts Centre "Fibre Lovers Art Show" Merritt BC

    The Nicola Valley Arts Centre "Fibre Lovers Art Show" Merritt BC. Open to the public from Wed to Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sundays 12-4 pm. Public reception on Friday, March 31, 4-7 pm. The Nicola Valley Arts Centre "Fibre Lovers Art Show" featuring local artists from the Nicola Valley, BC. Beautiful art...
    The Nicola Valley Arts Centre "Fibre Lovers Art Show" Merritt BC. Open to the public from Wed to Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sundays 12-4 pm. Public reception on Friday, March 31, 4-7 pm. The Nicola Valley Arts Centre "Fibre Lovers Art Show" featuring local artists from the Nicola Valley, BC. Beautiful art creations using skills that have been around for centuries Exhibiting local artisans, weaving, embroidery, knitting, and felting creations that will truly amaze you. All the members of the Arts Council work year-round to showcase imaginative, creative, skilled crafters who live here in the Nicola Valley Interested in learning how to knit or use a drop spindle? Sign up for a free workshop at the Nicola Valley Arts Centre. For group visits, contact Jano at 250-315-3437. Experience this beautiful event at the Nicola Valley Arts Centre "Fibre Lovers Art Show" in Merritt, BC.
    16th Mar, 2023 12:00AM
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