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  •   Dean McMurrer reacted to this post about 6 years ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Maple Madness at Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area

    March is maple syrup time at Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area.

    Take a tractor-drawn wagon back to our sugar bush and learn how maple syrup was made in the olden days and how we make it now. Enjoy pancakes with real maple syrup and buy some syrup or sugar to take home.

    Be sure to check...

    March is maple syrup time at Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area.

    Take a tractor-drawn wagon back to our sugar bush and learn how maple syrup was made in the olden days and how we make it now. Enjoy pancakes with real maple syrup and buy some syrup or sugar to take home.

    Be sure to check out some of our special activities like puppet shows, tree tapping demonstrations, First Nations Display, Sugar Bush Tours, the Annual Conservation Foundation Bake Sale and much more. You’ll want to visit us more than once!

    Wagons leave the Outdoor Centre for the sugar bush approx. every 20 minutes. Visitors are dropped off at the wagon turn-around at the top of the hill on the service road. From there it is a short walk down the hill (steep) to the sugar bush facilities. You can also walk back to the sugar bush via the trail network. It is about a 2 km walk from the Outdoor Centre.

    Pancakes and drinks are served in the sugar bush. Please enter through the back door of the sugar shack to place your order. You can also purchase goodies such as, maple syrup, maple candy, maple butter and lollipops at the sugar shack.

    Dates: March 10 to 18 (March Break)
    March 24 and 25
    March 31 and April 1

    10th Mar, 2018 9:00AM - America/Toronto
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