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  • Andrea Horning created a new event

    The Orchards Farmers' Market

    Farmers’ markets all over Canada offer small and mid-sized vendors and suppliers a low-barrier entry point to develop and establish a thriving business free from the overhead necessary to sell in large retail outlets. Equally as important, farmers’ markets create a space where the focus of food i...
    Farmers’ markets all over Canada offer small and mid-sized vendors and suppliers a low-barrier entry point to develop and establish a thriving business free from the overhead necessary to sell in large retail outlets. Equally as important, farmers’ markets create a space where the focus of food is on quality and farming practices instead of price alone. Local farmers and vendors will supply fresh, local food and products to a growing number of shoppers demanding food that is healthy and products that will be unique. Behind the rows of produce, busy vendors, and eager customers, farmers’ markets are a bustling hub of sustainability.

    When: Mondays, June 7 – August 30, 5:30 – 8:00 pm
    Where: 4059 Orchards Drive SW

    7th Jun, 2021 5:30PM - UTC
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