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  • Andrea Horning created a new event

    The Canadian Armed Forces: A Brief History - Galt Museum Lethbridge

    Discover the troubled 300-year history of the Canadian Armed Forces. Stéphane Guevremont delivers a multimedia presentation about the pre-Confederation regiments, the post-1867 era and modern military conflicts with rare photos and videos.

    2–4 pm
    Registration required
    Museum admission appl...
    Discover the troubled 300-year history of the Canadian Armed Forces. Stéphane Guevremont delivers a multimedia presentation about the pre-Confederation regiments, the post-1867 era and modern military conflicts with rare photos and videos.

    2–4 pm
    Registration required
    Museum admission applies $6.30 tax in
    Free to annual pass holders

    Galt Museum & Archives, Lethbridge, Alberta
    7th Nov, 2021 2:00PM - America/Edmonton
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