Sandy Beaches Manitoba Canada

Beach Attractions and Adventure Guide

Canada Guide to Sandy Beaches

Beach attractions and resorts in the Manitoba Region of Canada. Book your MB adventure today on Canada's largest booking, planning and interactive attraction and activity website.

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beach wasagaming

Introduction To Beaches in the Manitoba, MB, Canada

The beaches of Manitoba are popular summer destinations for a large assortment of activities like swimming, beachcombing, camping, sightseeing and sunbathing. Many beaches are usually close to boat launches which provide access to more activities like boating, canoeing, kayaking, fishing and water skiing.

Manitoba Beach Amenities and Services

Each sandy beach provides a different experience and an assortment of amenities and services. Some Manitoba beaches have many amenities while others are bare bones. It is important to plan your beach destination based on your needs, activity preferences and your travel plans.

Depending on the beach destination some of the amenities may include a day use picnic site, washrooms, pit toilets, marina, concession stands, docks, boat launches, life guards, change rooms, BBQ pits, showers, sightseeing benches, playgrounds, spray parks, walking trails, information centre and/ or campgrounds.

Manitoba Sandy Beach Destinations

There are many beach destinations located throughout the province of Manitoba, Canada. Here are some of the more popular sandy beaches in the province:

In the western region of Manitoba, Canada there are beaches in the Turtle Mountain Provincial Park and the Spruce Woods Provincial Heritage Park near the community of Brandon, Manitoba. In the Turtle Mountain Park there are beaches located on William, Adam and Max Lakes and in the Spruce Woods Park the Kiche Manitou Lake is the main beach destination.

The beach destinations to consider in the parkland region of Manitoba, Canada are located in the Asessippi Provincial Park near Inglis Manitoba and in the Riding Mountain National Park and the Duck Mountain Park near Dauphin, Manitoba.

The sandy beach located in the Asessippi Provincial Park is located on the Lake of the Prairies. In the Riding Mountain Park the beach is located on Clear Lake in the small resort village of Wasagaming. In the Duck Mountain Park near Swan River, Manitoba there are beaches on Childs, Blue and Wellman Lakes.

Closer to Dauphin, Manitoba there are beaches on the western shore of Dauphin Lake. The most popular beach is Rainbow Beach located in the Rainbow Beach Provincial Recreation Park. Other beaches on Dauphin Lake include Sifton, Stoney Point, Dauphin and Ochre Beaches.

In the central region of Manitoba, Canada near the community of Portage La Prairie there are a some good beaches situated on the shores of Lake Manitoba including St. Ambroise Beach Provincial Park, Twin Lakes and Delta Beach.

The Interlake region of Manitoba has many sandy beaches. Some very easy to access while others take some effort. In the resort villages of Gimli and Winnipeg Beach are some long sandy beaches on the waterfronts of the community. Both close to many services and attractions.

The interlake region parks are also very well populated with beaches. One of the more easily accessed parks - the Hecla/Grindstone Provincial Park - located north of Gimli includes Sunset Beach and Harbour Beach.

In the eastern region, just east of Winnipeg, Manitoba, is Whiteshell Provincial Park. In the resort village of Falcon Lake there is a beach. And... there are over 200+ lakes in the park. Many with beaches.

In the northern region of Manitoba located near the community of The Pas is a popular recreation beach in the Clearwater Lake Provincial Park. And located south of Thompson, Manitoba is another beach in the Paint Lake Provincial Park.

Explore the beaches in Manitoba MB, Canada today!

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