Digby, NS Parks, Trails and Places

Nova Scotia Things To Do

Best Parks & Trails in Canada

Best Digby, Nova Scotia parks, trails and beaches explored, documented, photographed, and published by participating Canadian Travel Influencers. Come explore any one of our Digby activity and adventure destinations in Nova Scotia, Canada today.

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Best Parks, Trails and Places in Digby, NS, Canada

Central Grove Provincial Park Hiking Trail, Nova Scotia, NS, Canada is a top thing to do and sightseeing adventure while exploring near the community of Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada.
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1731 Highway 217
Balancing Rock Hiking Trail, Nova Scotia, NS, Canada is a top thing to do and sightseeing adventure while exploring near the community of Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada.
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Digby Necks and Islands Scenic Drive
Grand Passage Lighthouse (also referred to as the Northern Lighthouse) is a 28 foot lighthouse standing tall on the northern point of Brier Island on Digby Neck, Nova Scotia, Canada.
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Water Street
Mavillette Beach Provincial Park is a 1.5 kilometre long sandy beach, surrounded by sand dunes and boardwalk paths. Mavillette Beach Provincial Park in Nova Scotia Canada is a top thing to do while exploring near Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada.
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295–395 John Doucette Road
Pond Cove Beach and the Brier Island Nature Preserve is a popular long sandy beach and hiking trail destination on Digby Neck. It is a long beach and ideal for beachcombing, especially at low tide.
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Gull Rock Road
Point Prim Lighthouse is a 14 metre high beacon perched on a high cliff at the entrance of Digby Gut where the Annapolis Basin with the Bay of Fundy meet.
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Lighthouse Rd
The postcard-like lighthouse likes to go by the name of "The Greatest Little Lighthouse in Canada". in 1990 Gilbert’s Cove Lighthouse was recognized as a Provincial Heritage Site.
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244 Gilberts Cove Rd
Admiral's Walk is a waterfront walkway providing visitors far reaching views overlooking the Bay of Fundy, as well as, connecting to various artifacts, shops, restaurants and attractions
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Water Street
The unmanned lighthouse on Brier Island stands 18 metres tall and is of an octagon shape with 3 red rings around it.
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720 Lighthouse Rd
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