Snowmobile Tours in Ontario
Canada winter adventures

The extended winters, the high volumes of snowfall, the frozen lakes and rivers provide an idealistic environment for snowmobile tours. The snow covered wilderness trails, the backcountry gravel roads and the frozen rivers make for great adventures.

Many of the snowmobile routes are monitored and maintained by local snowmobile clubs. Many clubs provide route maps indicating the locations of the warming shelters, accommodations and fueling stations located along each route.

Snowmobile tours in Ontario, Canada vary in length and difficulty. There are day trips exploring in the backcountry and there are long haul overnight snowmobile tours connecting to communities and parks.

Located in some of the communities are snowmobile tours and guides. Wilderness lodges operate snowmobile tours from their door step. Their guides leading snowmobile groups into the backcountry.

Plan a snowmobile vacation today

Located in the heart of Ontario’s Near North region, this breathtaking natural four-season resort has plenty of year-round activities, such as fishing, boating, hiking, swimming, horseback riding, snowmobiling, snowshoeing and a variety of other seasonal activities!

6251 Hwy 17
P0H 1V0
705 744-5020

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