Maple Creek, Cypress Hills Destination Area
Saskatchewan, Canada

Saskatchewan Travel & Adventure Website

A town where the Old West lives on

Maple Creek, Cypress Hills Destination Area, Saskatchewan, Canada is located in southwest Saskatchewan and the hub of the southwest of Saskatchewan, Canada. Maple Creek is a town where the Old West lives on, a place where cowboys still walk the streets not in costumes of years gone by, but as ranchers of a modern age.

cypress hills destination area saskatchewan maple creek

Attractions, Adventures, Things To Do in Maple Creek, Cypress Hills Destination Area, SK

Activities and attractions most enjoyed in and around Maple Creek, Cypress Hills Destination Area and the surrounding areas includes geocaching, golfing, fishing, hiking, zip lining, horseback riding, cross-country ski trails, snowshoeing, snowmobiling and ice fishing.

Parks, Trails, & Places to Explore in Maple Creek, Cypress Hills Destination Area, Canada

A few of the more popular activity and sightseeing destinations located in and around Maple Creek, Cypress Hills Destination Area, Saskatchewan includes the Fort Walsh National Historic Site, Centennial Park, and the Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park (West Block and Centre Block).

Maple Creek, Cypress Hills Destination Area Accommodations, Services and Transportation

Travel services and amenities important to travelers in and around Maple Creek, Cypress Hills Destination Area, Saskatchewan includes accommodations (cabins, cottages, bed and breakfasts, lodge, hotel, motel, guest ranches), campgrounds, gift stores, gas station, western wear retail shops, restaurants, general store and the Maple Creek Airport.

Maple Creek, Cypress Hills Destination Area Natural Attractions, Art, Historical Sites, & Culture

The most visited natural sightseeing attractions, historical sites and cultural venues in and around Maple Creek, Cypress Hills Destination Area, Saskatchewan includes the Maple Creek Heritage District, Jasper Cultural and Historical Centre, 1910 W. R. Orr Heritage Building, 1909 St. Mary's Anglican Church, St. Victor's Petroglyphs Provincial Historic Park, S.W. Sask. Oldtimers' Museum & Archive and Millionaires Row.

Explore Maple Creek, Cypress Hills Destination Area, Saskatchewan, Canada

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