
Canadian Staycations and Quebec Caminos

TWO_0607 Eh Canada Exploration and Adventure

Camino Rando Quebec Canada

Chemin du Quebec Canadian Caminos and Backpacking

For those hikers and pilgrims in the world seeking Canadian Staycations and Quebec Caminos – 2021 was a Holy Year.  Holy years are not annual, and in fact only occur when the feast of Saint James (July 25th) falls on a Sunday or when designated by the Pope. Last year's celebrations have been extended to also include 2022 given the ongoing disruptions as a result of Covid19.  As a member of the Canadian Company of Pilgrims on the Way to compostella I was fortunate to be able to trek and pass through the Holy Doors in Santiago in 2016, the Holy Year of Mercy. Therefore having trekked a number of Caminos across France, Spain, and Portugal I was particularly excited to find so many pilgrimage routes along across Canada near to or along the Trans Canada Trail!

Canadian Staycations and Quebec Caminos

Given Covid19 realities and restrictions many people have cancelled their hiking and pilgrimage plans and are looking for less expensive, closer to home, and safer alternatives. Canadian Staycations and Quebec Caminos offer you the best of both worlds.

Some are short and directed by a local church, while others are much longer and can be undertaken at anytime by anyone at their own pace. In addition to a number of other Canadian Caminos across Nova Scotia, Ontario and Manitoba there are other pilgrim routes and Caminos which are not located along the Trans Canada Trail. Many of these routes are in the province of Quebec but in many cases there seems to be only limited and dated information about them in English.

Bon Chemin! 

"In every walk in nature one receives far more than [they] seek…"

by John Muir
Camino marker, Paris France

Notre-Dame Kapatakan Trail

Perhaps the best established Camino route is the Sentier Notre-Dame Kapatakan. According to its website the Notre-Dame Kapatakan Trail, (http://www.sentiernotredamekapatakan.org/), is inspired by the European pilgrimages in Spain and therefore has many similar features including a credential passport, guidebook, and recommended accommodations. This trail starts in Riviere-Eternite and goes to Lac-Bouchette in Saguenay Lac Saint Jean. The route is 215 km long and takes between 8 and 15 days to complete crossing urban centers, pastoral farmlands, navigating around lakes and following historical concessions. Like many of the other Quebec Caminos we have found, especially the Island Walk, the Notre-Dame Kapatakan Trail sees its path as a means for people to regain their balance and to spend time in nature more than being a strictly religious undertaking.

Chemin des Sanctuaries

Another option is the Chemin des Sanctuaries (http://www.chemindessanctuaires.org/) which is a trek from Saint Joseph's Oratory in Montreal to Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre Basilica along the shoreline of the St. Lawrence River. One of many Canadian staycations and Canadian caminos, this one is a 375 km pilgrimage that takes 18 days to complete and it is organized and held each year in June. Having ventured down most of this route I can attest that this is a very well established and waymarked path with accommodations which can be arranged. For a sense of the natural beauty of this route please check the gallery of images below!

Chemin des Navigateurs Camino

Likewise, the Chemin des Navigateurs (http://www.chemindesnavigateurs.org/) is a 400km, 21 day trek from the Sanctuary of Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pointe-au-Pere to the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Baupre taking travelers through the regions of Bas-Saint-Laurent and Chaudiere-Appalaches. This Camino is held annually every June and limits the number of hikers on the trail as well as the number who can set out each day. As such while advance registration is required it means that the route is peaceful and there are arranged accommodations available for everyone hiking. Like the Camino de Santiago, the Chemin des Navigateurs has a passport system and stamps are issued along the route and a certificate of completion is issued at its conclusion.

Chemin de Saint-Remi

Similarly, the Chemin de Saint-Remi (http://www.cheminstremi.quebec/) is more than over 820 km long venturing from Saint-Adrien-de-Ham in Estrie to Sainte-Florence in the Matapedia Valley. Consequently, it is an established route through rural communities and villages which can be undertaken at any time during the year. The trail has a guide book and is waymarked and hikers follow the GR red and white blazes between destinations.

Chemin du Quebec

Finally, there is the more expansive Chemin du Quebec (https://www.quebeccompostelle.com/) which has a number of long distance routes covering more than 1200 km spanning from Montreal in the west to Cap Gaspe (known as Land's end or translated as the end of the World) in the East! This pathway explores regions full of cultural and historical heritage and allows hikers to discover and enjoy the beautiful landscapes throughout the province. The Chemin du Quebec also offers pilgrims a credential which can be filled with stamps each day in accommodations, churches, and town halls, as well as a certificate upon completion of your trek.

"Don't come…looking for answers, instead come with an open heart and you maybe surprised by what you find."

by Jane Blancharduote 

Canadian Staycations and Quebec Caminos

Location (Map)

Quebec, Canada
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Comments 4

EH Canada Marketing Group on Monday, 31 January 2022 18:56

Great story of more Caminos. This time in PEI. Loved our time in Murray Harbour.

Great story of more Caminos. This time in PEI. Loved our time in Murray Harbour.
EH Canada : Support on Tuesday, 01 February 2022 22:11

Loving learning about this great country of ours through your talks on walks Sonya!

Loving learning about this great country of ours through your talks on walks Sonya!
Janel Coe on Tuesday, 08 February 2022 00:40

Eh Canada Travel Murray Harbour is lovely isn't it?

Eh Canada Travel Murray Harbour is lovely isn't it?
EH Canada Marketing Group on Friday, 11 February 2022 23:34

Janel Coe it was home for two years. So pretty and serene. Loved it.

Janel Coe it was home for two years. So pretty and serene. Loved it.
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