Millennium Park, Golden Spruce Tree

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Port Clements

British Columbia

Park Amenities:
Interpretive Centre
Interpretive Signs

Millennium Park

The spirit of the Golden Spruce Tree lives on in the heart of Port Clements Village! a seedling survived from the original magical Golden Spruce Tree that once stood on the Yakoun River. The seedling's new home is Millennium Park in Port Clements on Graham Island in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, Canada.

Millennium Park photo gallery - Haida Gwaii, BC, CanadaToday in Millennium Park is a small, fragile Golden Spruce seedling that is kept in a guarded and protected fenced yard in the small park. The story goes, the seedling is the last surviving seedling of 14 seeds taken from the Yakoun River Golden Spruce- some with consent, some without.

The seedlings were taken by a University in an effort to understand the tree and some seedlings were saved after the tree was destroyed in 1997 in an effort to try and save the memory of the legendary tall, vibrant Golden Spruce Tree.

In 1997, a self proclaimed "nature loving" forestry worker wacko, cut the magical tree down as part of his protest against the current logging practices implemented at that time.

The significance of the Golden Spruce Tree to the Haida First Nation people and to the Port Clements' tourism industry was huge. The act of killing the golden wonder sent shock waves through Haida Gwaii and the world creating international headlines covering three continents resulting in a massive man hunt. This was not any normal tree eh!

Today, the short 20 minute Golden Spruce Tree Trail still exists as a reminder to what was once beautiful. There is a viewing bench still there that was once used to admire the golden tree.The actual off-spring is now for viewing in Port Clements at Millennium Park.

There is a Haida First Nation story speaking of a Golden Spruce Tree and a small a boy. It goes something like this. During the winter season a long time ago, a young boy went down to the beach to relieve himself (#2). It was too cold to squat, so he stood. When he looked down the turd was standing up in the snow like a tree. The boy laughed and laughed.

Then the snow storm hit. Blizzard-like conditions burying the village in snow - supplies soon diminished. Villagers started to die of the cold and starvation until there were two left. A young boy and his Grandfather. The future looked bleak for the pair if they stayed in the village so they dug themselves out and started trekking.

Soon the blizzard vanished and the forests came alive with summer. They continued to walk searching for a new village when the grandfather spoke to his grandson, " Don't look back. If you do, you will go into the next world. A world where people can admire you, but will not be able to speak with you. You would be standing in that sacred place until the end of the world."

Missing his fishing gear and his birthplace village, the boy, could not resist one last look. Not believing his grandfather the boy took one peek and his feet locked in. The boy was rooted to the forest ground. Seeing the boy was taking root the Grandfather spoke, " It is ok, my son. The last generation will come to see you and remember your story." The boy was the Golden Spruce.

Explore Millennium Park featuring the Golden Spruce Tree in Port Clements, BC, Canada


Millennium Park, Golden Spruce Tree
Spruce Avenue
Port Clements

How To Get ToMillennium Park, Golden Spruce Tree

Drive north for 63 kms on Hwy 16 from Skidegate BC Ferry Terminal on Graham Island to the Village of Port Clements (south of Masset - 42 kms, north of Tlell - 22 km). When approaching Port Clements from Skidegate on Hwy 16 a gas station will show up in your sights on the left. This marks the village. Just before the gas station is Cedar Ave. Follow Cedar Ave to Bayview Ave. Continue down Bayview to Millennium Park right before Spruce Ave.
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