Haida Gwaii Parks and Places

Rock Sitting Creek Waterfall is located just off Balance Rock Road in Skidegate, BC.
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Balance Rock Rd
User-maintained trail located just off Highway 16, across from the Canada Parks offices. You will notice the worn trailhead sign near a "no overnight camping" sign.
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A once tall, vibrant Golden Spruce Tree stood on the banks of the Yakoun River near Port Clements on Graham Island in Haida Gwaii. The tree attracted many visitors to the shores of the Yakoun so to view the magical golden "freak of nature" - The Golden Spruce Tree.
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Bayview Ave
Port Clements
The 3-6 days spent hiking along muddy trails, wooden bridges, climbing over deadfall trees, trekking along sandy and pebbled beaches provides lots of opportunity to discover spanning ocean views, historical shipwrecks and Haida Ancient Village Sites.
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Highway 16
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A short, short trail leads from the picnic area to a rocky, pebbled beach. At low tide more of the large rocks become exposed, exposing the beach thus creating more room to walk the rocks while beachcombing.
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short 15 minute trail located on Moresby Island near Sandspit explores the forests along the coastline of the island navigating around deadfall and through large trees. The wooded route leads to a look-out peering over Skidegate Inlet with rock cliffs and pulsating surge channels below.
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The bird sanctuary draws many to the west coast to view the 140 or so bird species who visit yearly. Seasons play a big part as birds are migratory. Spring, summer, fall and winter all bring different wildlife guests to the Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary.
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Trumpeter Drive
Crabapple Creek Trail is located at the west end of 2nd Avenue at the cul-de-sac.
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2nd Ave
Queen Charlotte
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A short hike along a well maintained boardwalk path following alongside the shores of the Hiellen River. The Blow Hole Hiking Trail leads to a coastline covered in lava-like rock formations, towering rock cliffs and shooting surge channels head-butting the shoreline sending mist into the air.
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Tow Hill Road
Kwuna Point Trail is a lightly trafficked 900-meter loop trail located, aptly enough, at the end of Kwuna Point Road.
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Kwuna Point Rd
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One of the larger accessible fresh water lakes on Moresby Island in the Haida Gwaii Islands Archipelago. The lake, as well as Mosquito Lake, is a popular destination for fishing, canoeing and swimming.
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A secluded waterfront park not far from the Village of Skidegate on Graham Island of the Haida Gwaii, BC, Canada. The Halibut Bight Rest Area offers up ocean views overlooking Hecate Strait.
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Highway 16
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Many arrive at Agate Beach to find agate rock. A hard task for most is to pick an agate rock out from the millions of beautiful coloured rocks spilled over the beach. Agate colour varies too - from a clear-white, to yellowish-amber, greens and red.
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Tow Hill Road
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The 1 1/2 hour return hike starts opposite the Anvil Trail - Mariners Point Parking Lot found on Hwy 16 south of the Naikoon Park Headquarters. The Anvil Trail parking lot is a treat as it is right on the ocean providing fantastic views of Mariners Point!
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Hwy 16
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The spirit of the Golden Spruce Tree lives on in the heart of Port Clements Village! a seedling survived from the original magical Golden Spruce Tree that once stood on the Yakoun River. The seedling's new home is Millennium Park in Port Clements
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Spruce Avenue
Port Clements
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