Port Clements, Haida Gwaii, BC, Canada
British Columbia Canada Travel & Adventure Guide
On the shores of the Masset Inlet
Port Clements, Haida Gwaii, BC, Canada is located on central Graham Island. The village rests on the shores of the Masset Inlet, north of Yakoun Bay. Port Clements is best known for its magical story of the "Golden Spruce Tree".
Activities, Adventures, Things To Do in Port Clements, Haida Gwaii, BC
Activities most enjoyed in Port Clements, BC and the surrounding areas include bird watching (birding), sports fishing, birding (birdwatching), camping, sight-seeing, hiking, and canoeing.
Parks, Trails, & Places to Explore in Port Clements, BC
A few of the more popular activity and sightseeing park, lake and trail destinations located in and around Port Clements, British Columbia on Haida Gwaii include the Golden Spruce Trail, Port Clements Millennium Memorial Park, East Beach Trail, Misty Meadows Provincial Park and the Naikoon Provincial Park.
Port Clements, British Columbia Natural Attractions, Art, Historical Sites, & Culture
The most visited sightseeing attractions, art galleries, historical sites and cultural venues in and around Port Clements include the Port Clements Museum, White Raven, Yakoun River Estuary and the Golden Spruce.
Accommodations, Services and Transportation in Port Clements, BC, Canada
Travel services important to travelers in and around the community of Port Clements, Haida Gwaii includes accommodations (motels, inns, cottages, bed and breakfast), campgrounds, pub, restaurant, convenience store, cell service, and internet.