4 Corners Trail

Trail Length: 5km
Difficulty: Moderate
Park Amenities:

The 4 Corners Trail is located immediately east of the Hiellen River Bridge in Naikoon Provincial Park. The route is a settler wagon road, originally set up around 1910, to access parcels of land further inland. To access trail, begin at the Cape Fife Trailhead and follow the route for approximately 5 minutes. You will come upon an information board detailing the Cape Fife route. A marker to your left will signify the continuance of the 10km-long Cape Fife trail. If you look to your RIGHT, you will see an unmarked trail – this is the beginning of the 4 Corners route.
The full length of the 4 Corners Trail is approximately 5 kilometers; however, in the current day, only the first kilometer or so can be safely hiked. Significant blowdown and overgrowth make walking the full route – which does eventually connect up with the White Creek and Carr Whittle routes – hazardous. The first part of the trail, however, makes for a pleasant short hike. The old settler wagon road is now fringed with tall trees and thick mosses, giving an almost otherworldly appearance. The only evidence of previous human habitation is the old drainage ditches, which were all dug with pick and spade.
If you wish to hike this trail, parking is available in the nearby Tow Hill parking lot.