Preschoolers Review Mission Hill Park
Raising Stars Preschoolers reviewed a new park, Mission Hill Park in Vernon BC. Another park tucked it with houses around this park doubles as a off leash dog park. But the best thing is the enclosed dog free kids zone!
The preschoolers enjoyed this park, but not as much as Pine park. One preschooler giving the park one "thumbs up, and one thubs down"
*Note: All children in video have signed social media and advertising allowences
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Great soundtrack and lots of spin-rides here. I like how you captured the activities from the child's viewpoint, Samantha!
Kim Kenyon Thanks <3 they really liked the not so much haha
It's funny how young children for the most part really like experiences that as adults would make us feel nauseous. Such as hanging upside down fromIt's funny how young children for the most part really like experiences that as adults would make us feel nauseous. Such as hanging upside down from things and flinging themselves around on merry-go-rounds and leaping off swings into the air. Perhaps, because they are smaller, gravity doesn't affect them as much, or maybe they are just braver!
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Kim Kenyon Blows my mind, I try them (cause they make me) and I feel like throwing up after haha
Samantha Sewell What a good sport you are Samantha!
I will say it again. I like this approach to kid tourism.
EH Canada Marketing Group They kiddos are liking it too! Haha
I like the music you've chosen to accompany this adorable park review.
Diana Mohrsen Thanks!