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Anja Cahill reacted to this post about 10 minutes ago
Wow!!! This is truly stunning!!
Sonya Richmond Thank you! I was so excited to be able to pull over safely and enjoy the moment for a minute! Usually just a quick visual as I driveSonya Richmond Thank you! I was so excited to be able to pull over safely and enjoy the moment for a minute! Usually just a quick visual as I drive by with no where safe to stop. More ...
I love owls and I was only Able to spot 1 snowy owl this season
Thomas Worsley I also love owls. And you're lucky, I didn't get to see any snowy owls this year. Just the great grey and great horned. SaskatchewanThomas Worsley I also love owls. And you're lucky, I didn't get to see any snowy owls this year. Just the great grey and great horned. Saskatchewan has tons of snowy owls! That's definitely where I have found the most. Where do you have the best luck owl spotting? More ...
Andrea Horning I am blessed in The Kawartha Lakes with wildlife including a Moose which seems to be way too far South but she has been here for aAndrea Horning I am blessed in The Kawartha Lakes with wildlife including a Moose which seems to be way too far South but she has been here for a month. The Sandhill Cranes also pass thruogh the Kawartha Lakes on thier migration and the Bald Eagles are also making a come back here. We have Snowys on the East end of Lindsay in the farm fields and again on the west and North sides. Also Kingston has lots I think More ...
One of our fav birds. So beautiful.
Greg Girard So beautiful! I love the shape of their heads. So cool!
I just love how they can rotate their head like that, no need for eyes in the back of your head when you can swivel your neck 360 degrees!
Kim Kenyon haha right! Useful thing to be able to do
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Anja Cahill reacted to this post about 1 hour ago
Sonya Richmond it is a fun place and they make great pizzas.
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Greg Girard reacted to this post about 3 hours ago
Sonya Richmond Definitely I agree. This was my second and the first was at Silent Lake a few weeks earlier and although it may be more expensive then More ...
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Andrea Horning commented on this post about 10 hours ago
Kim Kenyon We certainly did!
Greg Girard Thank you! Selfies and sunsets...sounds like the theme for my upcoming summer season
Sonya Richmond Thanks so much! Such a neat added bonus with all the hot springs around!
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Janet Guthrie commented on this post about 1 day ago
Thomas Worsley Saskatoon is worth the trip.
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Sonya Richmond Definitely I agree. This was my second and the first was at Silent Lake a few weeks earlier and although it may be more expensive then tent or trailer camping it was still well worth the money and sleep like a baby in comfort with heat and hydro. Some may say that is not camping....
MoreSonya Richmond Definitely I agree. This was my second and the first was at Silent Lake a few weeks earlier and although it may be more expensive then tent or trailer camping it was still well worth the money and sleep like a baby in comfort with heat and hydro. Some may say that is not camping. I dissagree
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Thomas Worsley commented on this post about 1 day ago
Great video Thomas! I very much enjoyed your tour through Mew Lake Algonquin Ontario Provincial Park. I am glad it is open year-round to allow those More ...
Kim Kenyon Thanks Kim. I have been going to Mew lake for years but this was the first time in March and first time in a Yurt
Greg Girard Canoe routes are fantastic I have been into Canoe Lake and the Tom Tompson memorial. And rock Lake into Penn Lake is cool
Anja Cahill It was fun the gas fireplace kept things really warm But a porta potty would definitely come in handy
Kim Kenyon Very convenient and we actully slept on top of our -24 degree C woods sleeping bag
Sonya Richmond It was great no crowds we didnt have to deal with park rangers at the overflowing lookout trail parking lot
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Thomas Worsley commented on this post about 1 day ago
Great photos I love suspension bridges we have a couple here in Ontario and Tree Top Trekking has to happen eventually. I have 2 on the Oak Ridges More ...
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Sonya Richmond reacted to this post about 1 day ago
Kim Kenyon So affordable!
Thomas Worsley I'm not sure about full bloom, but we sure saw lots of plants on our walk through the greenhouse.
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Sonya Richmond commented on this post about 1 day ago
Great find! I have been meaning to check out the rooms at UBC, for summer stays. Although I think they are the student dorms. Having access to a More ...
This place is awesome! We stayed there during our cross-Canada hike and it was nicer than some of the hotels we stayed at. Makes me rethink my More ...
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This is a great article. Yurt camping gives you the best of all worlds for outdoor adventure in winter - a camping experience without freezing!
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Sonya Richmond commented on this post about 1 day ago
I am glad the Vancouver Aquarium still has the jellyfish exhibit, so interesting to see all the different kinds. I wonder if they sense when they are More ...
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Lisa Muldoon commented on this post about 4 days ago
Greg Girard We are even wearing the same outfit!
Farah McCrate It is a permanent attraction! You should definitely check it out next time you are in Toronto!
Lisa Muldoon I'm coming later this month. I am going whether or not my daughter wants to lol.
Farah McCrate I think its a fantastic attraction for all ages. Hopefully she chooses to join!
Kim Kenyon You won't be disappointed!
Thomas Worsley I could have spent hours looking at all of the details in the displays.
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Janet Guthrie commented on this post about 5 days ago
Kim Kenyon You're welcome Kim. Thank you for kind words.
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