Thomas Worsley commented on this post about 2 days ago
Great video Thomas! I very much enjoyed your tour through Mew Lake Algonquin Ontario Provincial Park. I am glad it is open year-round to allow thoseGreat video Thomas! I very much enjoyed your tour through Mew Lake Algonquin Ontario Provincial Park. I am glad it is open year-round to allow those interested to experience winter camping! Despite the snow it looked like there was still a number of enthusiastic people there. I liked the hot tent too, and your cozy fire! More ...
Kim Kenyon Thanks Kim. I have been going to Mew lake for years but this was the first time in March and first time in a Yurt
One of the best experiences we enjoyed in Ontario was Algonquin Park. We did a canoe route and what a trip.
Greg Girard Canoe routes are fantastic I have been into Canoe Lake and the Tom Tompson memorial. And rock Lake into Penn Lake is cool
Great video Thomas! Almost makes we want to try winter camping again... almost
Anja Cahill It was fun the gas fireplace kept things really warm But a porta potty would definitely come in handy
The yurt looks like it would be warmer than a tent and then of course--just walk in and no time fiddling with a tent setup!
Kim Kenyon Very convenient and we actully slept on top of our -24 degree C woods sleeping bag
What a great video! Mew lake is one of my favourite campgrounds in summer, but I've never experienced it in winter. Thanks for sharing!
Sonya Richmond It was great no crowds we didnt have to deal with park rangers at the overflowing lookout trail parking lot
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