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Why buy local ?? You're helping a family, kids, and or local entrepreneurs! For some, this is their income. Other...
Why buy local ??

You're helping a family, kids, and or local entrepreneurs!

For some, this is their income. Others maybe it’s the family holiday funds, for our kid entrepreneurs a new shiny bike!

When you come and purchase locally, you help our community out! You're supporting our residents! Your helping the downtown core to grow with traffic!

When you share about our market, you bring traffic to all our excellent businesses during the market hours.

Some people drive in from out of town cause a friend reposted about it, then they stop in to our stores, playgrounds,restaurants and gas up at our gas stations, all while checking out our local vendors !

Come on out to Claresholm!
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  •   Kim Kenyon reacted to this post about 2 years ago
    Andrea Horning created a new event

    Claresholm Farmers' Market 2022

    Why buy local ??

    You're helping a family, kids, and or local entrepreneurs!

    For some, this is their income. Others maybe it’s the family holiday funds, for our kid entrepreneurs a new shiny bike!

    When you come and purchase locally, you help our community out! You're supporting our resi...
    Why buy local ??

    You're helping a family, kids, and or local entrepreneurs!

    For some, this is their income. Others maybe it’s the family holiday funds, for our kid entrepreneurs a new shiny bike!

    When you come and purchase locally, you help our community out! You're supporting our residents! Your helping the downtown core to grow with traffic!

    When you share about our market, you bring traffic to all our excellent businesses during the market hours.

    Some people drive in from out of town cause a friend reposted about it, then they stop in to our stores, playgrounds,restaurants and gas up at our gas stations, all while checking out our local vendors !

    Come on out to Claresholm!
    3rd Aug, 2022 3:00PM - America/Edmonton
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