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Celebrating the last 50 years of carnival Vernon Businesses come together to compete in Vernon's annual best-decorated c...
Celebrating the last 50 years of carnival Vernon Businesses come together to compete in Vernon's annual best-decorated contest!
All entries are judged between February 1st and 2nd, and awards are handed out on February 8th!
Community members can also vote for the "people's choice award"!

New this year are business categories; winners will be selected for the best overall in each category, and a prize for "Best overall Decorations," where the winning business will receive a Month Worth of Advertising from Castanet (Valued at $750) or an Annual Membership with the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce!
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    Best Decorated Premises Contest 2023

    Celebrating the last 50 years of carnival Vernon Businesses come together to compete in Vernon's annual best-decorated contest!
    All entries are judged between February 1st and 2nd, and awards are handed out on February 8th!
    Community members can also vote for the "people's choice award"!

    Celebrating the last 50 years of carnival Vernon Businesses come together to compete in Vernon's annual best-decorated contest!
    All entries are judged between February 1st and 2nd, and awards are handed out on February 8th!
    Community members can also vote for the "people's choice award"!

    New this year are business categories; winners will be selected for the best overall in each category, and a prize for "Best overall Decorations," where the winning business will receive a Month Worth of Advertising from Castanet (Valued at $750) or an Annual Membership with the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce!
    2nd Feb, 2023 - America/Dawson_Creek
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