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The Esquimalt Farmers Market, the Holiday version, is back and will be held in Esquimalt's Recreation Centre in Esquimal...
The Esquimalt Farmers Market, the Holiday version, is back and will be held in Esquimalt's Recreation Centre in Esquimalt, British Columbia on November 27th, 2022, from 11 AM to 5 PM, admission is FREE!

Featured will be 90 local vendors from the area, local businesses and growers, makers and bakers providing the perfect seasonal gifts for all those on your list or just for yourself! There will be textile crafts, jewelry, gourmet sauces and preserves, fresh produce and baked goods as well as local wines and spirits.

Not to be missed!
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    Esquimalt Farmers Market: Holiday Market

    The Esquimalt Farmers Market, the Holiday version, is back and will be held in Esquimalt's Recreation Centre in Esquimalt, British Columbia on November 27th, 2022, from 11 AM to 5 PM, admission is FREE!

    Featured will be 90 local vendors from the area, local businesses and growers, makers and b...
    The Esquimalt Farmers Market, the Holiday version, is back and will be held in Esquimalt's Recreation Centre in Esquimalt, British Columbia on November 27th, 2022, from 11 AM to 5 PM, admission is FREE!

    Featured will be 90 local vendors from the area, local businesses and growers, makers and bakers providing the perfect seasonal gifts for all those on your list or just for yourself! There will be textile crafts, jewelry, gourmet sauces and preserves, fresh produce and baked goods as well as local wines and spirits.

    Not to be missed!
    27th Nov, 2022 11:00AM - UTC
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