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The Paris Christmas Market is indoors at the Paris Fairgrounds and with over 105 unique vendors you are sure to find tha...
The Paris Christmas Market is indoors at the Paris Fairgrounds and with over 105 unique vendors you are sure to find that perfect gift.
Grab some perfect holiday sweets from 15 fantastic bakers for your holiday entertaining.

Here are the details!
December 3: 10am - 3pm
December 4: 11am - 3pm

$5 general admission (Cash Only)
12 & under are FREE

Service dogs only allowed for this weekend
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  •   Kelly Francois commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Paris Christmas Market 2022, Paris, Ontario

    The Paris Christmas Market is indoors at the Paris Fairgrounds and with over 105 unique vendors you are sure to find that perfect gift.
    Grab some perfect holiday sweets from 15 fantastic bakers for your holiday entertaining.

    Here are the details!
    December 3: 10am - 3pm
    December 4: 11am - ...
    The Paris Christmas Market is indoors at the Paris Fairgrounds and with over 105 unique vendors you are sure to find that perfect gift.
    Grab some perfect holiday sweets from 15 fantastic bakers for your holiday entertaining.

    Here are the details!
    December 3: 10am - 3pm
    December 4: 11am - 3pm

    $5 general admission (Cash Only)
    12 & under are FREE

    Service dogs only allowed for this weekend
    3rd Dec, 2022 10:00AM - America/Toronto
    • This looks fun! I visited Paris last year, a lovely little town.
    • Christmas markets are such a great way to support local businesses and communities, and they are perfect for finding unique gifts!
    • 15 bakers! Wow this event sounds fantastic!
    • Kelly Francois
      Was it good? I wasn't able to make it this year
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