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Bundle up and come out to Winnipeg's #1 Tourist attraction, The Forks, to celebrate the New Year. Ready to welcome you ...
Bundle up and come out to Winnipeg's #1 Tourist attraction, The Forks, to celebrate the New Year.
Ready to welcome you with an incredible evening of fun family events.
Family Glow Dance Party, Pop-up Music, Glowing Hula-Hoopers, DJ's, Fire Dancers, and at 8 pm join us at the CN Stage for an incredible Fireworks show and Family Countdown.
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  •   Kim Kenyon commented on this post about 1 year ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    New Years at The Forks, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

    Bundle up and come out to Winnipeg's #1 Tourist attraction, The Forks, to celebrate the New Year.
    Ready to welcome you with an incredible evening of fun family events.
    Family Glow Dance Party, Pop-up Music, Glowing Hula-Hoopers, DJ's, Fire Dancers, and at 8 pm join us at the CN Stage for an inc...
    Bundle up and come out to Winnipeg's #1 Tourist attraction, The Forks, to celebrate the New Year.
    Ready to welcome you with an incredible evening of fun family events.
    Family Glow Dance Party, Pop-up Music, Glowing Hula-Hoopers, DJ's, Fire Dancers, and at 8 pm join us at the CN Stage for an incredible Fireworks show and Family Countdown.
    31st Dec, 2022 4:00PM - America/Winnipeg
    • I spent a winter in Winnipeg. Dress warmly! Sounds awesome.
    • Kelly Francois
      This sounds like so much fun! I love that it includes the entire family!
    • The Forks looks beautiful in winter. I love the ice castle and skating rink they usually have too. This would be a great place to ring in 2023!
    • The Fire Dancers would stay warm!
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