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Come celebrate Family Day weekend at the Stratford Winter Fest at Upper Queens Park in Stratford, Ontario. In 2023 the ...
Come celebrate Family Day weekend at the Stratford Winter Fest at Upper Queens Park in Stratford, Ontario.
In 2023 the Winter Fest will have the Petting Zoo and also a new exhibit the kids will love featuring Alpacas!
Your annual favorites will be back including Snow Golf, Snow Slide, beautiful Ice Sculptures & More.
The skating rink will be weather dependent.
Lots of Food Trucks with hot beverages and great food will be on-site.
Mark your calendars and we'll see you in Stratford on February 18th, 2023
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    Stratford Winterfest, Stratford, Ontario, Canada

    Come celebrate Family Day weekend at the Stratford Winter Fest at Upper Queens Park in Stratford, Ontario.
    In 2023 the Winter Fest will have the Petting Zoo and also a new exhibit the kids will love featuring Alpacas!
    Your annual favorites will be back including Snow Golf, Snow Slide, beautiful...
    Come celebrate Family Day weekend at the Stratford Winter Fest at Upper Queens Park in Stratford, Ontario.
    In 2023 the Winter Fest will have the Petting Zoo and also a new exhibit the kids will love featuring Alpacas!
    Your annual favorites will be back including Snow Golf, Snow Slide, beautiful Ice Sculptures & More.
    The skating rink will be weather dependent.
    Lots of Food Trucks with hot beverages and great food will be on-site.
    Mark your calendars and we'll see you in Stratford on February 18th, 2023
    18th Feb, 2023 - America/Toronto
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