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Take part in a winter bird count at Ruthven Park National Historic Site on Saturday, January 7th from 10 am - 11 am. Lea...
Take part in a winter bird count at Ruthven Park National Historic Site on Saturday, January 7th from 10 am - 11 am. Learn how to use binoculars, field guides, and free apps to identify common winter birds while exploring the beautiful forested property. All data collected from this hike will contribute to the Winter Bird Count project that is taking place at the Ruthven Park National Historic Site from January 4-8, 2023. Dress warmly, and come on out to see how many bird species you can count!
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    Ruthven Park National Site Winter Bird Hike

    Take part in a winter bird count at Ruthven Park National Historic Site on Saturday, January 7th from 10 am - 11 am. Learn how to use binoculars, field guides, and free apps to identify common winter birds while exploring the beautiful forested property. All data collected from this hike will co...
    Take part in a winter bird count at Ruthven Park National Historic Site on Saturday, January 7th from 10 am - 11 am. Learn how to use binoculars, field guides, and free apps to identify common winter birds while exploring the beautiful forested property. All data collected from this hike will contribute to the Winter Bird Count project that is taking place at the Ruthven Park National Historic Site from January 4-8, 2023. Dress warmly, and come on out to see how many bird species you can count!
    7th Jan, 2023 10:00AM - America/Toronto
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