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Janet Guthrie commented on this post about 2 years ago
Dog sledding would be fun to try - clarification as a passenger (recalling how challenging it was trying to walk three dogs at a time!)
My mom and her older sister used dog sleds on their traplines in Saskatchewan, further north of Saskatoon. This would be such a great event to go to.My mom and her older sister used dog sleds on their traplines in Saskatchewan, further north of Saskatoon. This would be such a great event to go to. More ...
Tania Stewart That sounds amazing! Northern Saskatchewan is so beautiful. I am looking forward to the festival it sounds amazing and I love dogTania Stewart That sounds amazing! Northern Saskatchewan is so beautiful. I am looking forward to the festival it sounds amazing and I love dog sledding. More ...
I'd like to try the drumming. Or sleigh rides.
Diana Mohrsen I like sleigh rides too. I have never tried drumming, so it should be fun.
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