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The 1st Annual Taste of the Middle East Winter Festival 2023 Celebrating Arabic Music, Art, and Culture The 1st Annu...
The 1st Annual Taste of the Middle East Winter Festival 2023
Celebrating Arabic Music, Art, and Culture

The 1st Annual Taste of the Middle East Winter Festival 2023 will transform “The Mississauga Convention Centre” into a walk through the streets & souks of the Middle East, serving up the delightful tastes of Arabic Music, Art and Culture. Inspired by the concept of 1001 Nights, the festival will strive to showcase an electric mix of new and emerging local artists, old favorites, and some of today’s most prominent performers in Toronto’s Canadian Arabic community.

Our TOME stage will be on fire! Get ready to shop ‘til you drop with over 60 vendors of merchandise, art, jewelry, fashion, artisans and of course, it goes without saying: lots and lots of delicious Arabic Food and dessert.

The children can enjoy many games, activities and shows in our Kids Carnival in partnership with “The Day Events”. Some shows will take place on our main stage.

Follow us on social media for all the announcements @tasteofthemiddleeasttoronto

Friday March 17 from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Saturday March 18 from 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Saturday Night Concert March 18 from 9:30 PM to 1:00 AM

Sunday March 19 from 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM
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    Taste of the Middle East Winter Festival in Mississauga, ON

    The 1st Annual Taste of the Middle East Winter Festival 2023
    Celebrating Arabic Music, Art, and Culture

    The 1st Annual Taste of the Middle East Winter Festival 2023 will transform “The Mississauga Convention Centre” into a walk through the streets & souks of the Middle East, serving up the de...
    The 1st Annual Taste of the Middle East Winter Festival 2023
    Celebrating Arabic Music, Art, and Culture

    The 1st Annual Taste of the Middle East Winter Festival 2023 will transform “The Mississauga Convention Centre” into a walk through the streets & souks of the Middle East, serving up the delightful tastes of Arabic Music, Art and Culture. Inspired by the concept of 1001 Nights, the festival will strive to showcase an electric mix of new and emerging local artists, old favorites, and some of today’s most prominent performers in Toronto’s Canadian Arabic community.

    Our TOME stage will be on fire! Get ready to shop ‘til you drop with over 60 vendors of merchandise, art, jewelry, fashion, artisans and of course, it goes without saying: lots and lots of delicious Arabic Food and dessert.

    The children can enjoy many games, activities and shows in our Kids Carnival in partnership with “The Day Events”. Some shows will take place on our main stage.

    Follow us on social media for all the announcements @tasteofthemiddleeasttoronto

    Friday March 17 from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM

    Saturday March 18 from 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

    Saturday Night Concert March 18 from 9:30 PM to 1:00 AM

    Sunday March 19 from 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM
    17th Mar, 2023 6:00PM - America/Toronto
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