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WWF - Canada's CN Tower Climb for Nature is back! 2 DAYS | 1,776 STEPS | 1 GOAL Saturday, April 15th and Sunday, A...
WWF - Canada's CN Tower Climb for Nature is back!

2 DAYS | 1,776 STEPS | 1 GOAL

Saturday, April 15th and Sunday, April 16th, 2023

The World Wildlife Fund's CN Tower Climb for Nature is back this year for the 31st time! During this event participants climb 1,776 steps to the top of Toronto's CN Tower - the tallest free-standing building in the Western Hemisphere. Not only that, they step up to raise money for nature and wildlife conservation. With climate change impacts increasing and a million species worldwide at risk of extinction, the need for the climb is greater than ever.

Do you have what it takes to step up for nature? If you are over 16 years of age, register today to find out! You can climb individually, or team up with friends, family, or colleagues.

There is a registration fee of $25 and a minimum fundraising amount of $125 to participate. Every dollar raised and every step climbed is a step forward for nature!
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    WWF - Canada's CN Tower Climb for Nature

    WWF - Canada's CN Tower Climb for Nature is back!

    2 DAYS | 1,776 STEPS | 1 GOAL

    Saturday, April 15th and Sunday, April 16th, 2023

    The World Wildlife Fund's CN Tower Climb for Nature is back this year for the 31st time! During this event participants climb 1,776 steps to the top of Toron...
    WWF - Canada's CN Tower Climb for Nature is back!

    2 DAYS | 1,776 STEPS | 1 GOAL

    Saturday, April 15th and Sunday, April 16th, 2023

    The World Wildlife Fund's CN Tower Climb for Nature is back this year for the 31st time! During this event participants climb 1,776 steps to the top of Toronto's CN Tower - the tallest free-standing building in the Western Hemisphere. Not only that, they step up to raise money for nature and wildlife conservation. With climate change impacts increasing and a million species worldwide at risk of extinction, the need for the climb is greater than ever.

    Do you have what it takes to step up for nature? If you are over 16 years of age, register today to find out! You can climb individually, or team up with friends, family, or colleagues.

    There is a registration fee of $25 and a minimum fundraising amount of $125 to participate. Every dollar raised and every step climbed is a step forward for nature!
    16th Apr, 2023 6:00AM - America/Toronto
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