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“The Creston Valley Bird Festival exists to foster awareness of birds and their habitats in the Creston Valley” There ar...
“The Creston Valley Bird Festival exists to foster awareness of birds and their habitats in the Creston Valley” There are speakers and events scheduled throughout the 3 day event like kayaking, walking tours, winery, bus tours, bird bingo, star gazing, a birdothon and birding and birdwatching tours and guides of course. The Creston Valley Bird Festival is where birders meet in May.
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    Creston Valley Bird Festival in BC Canada

    “The Creston Valley Bird Festival exists to foster awareness of birds and their habitats in the Creston Valley” There are speakers and events scheduled throughout the 3 day event like kayaking, walking tours, winery, bus tours, bird bingo, star gazing, a birdothon and birding and birdwatching tou...
    “The Creston Valley Bird Festival exists to foster awareness of birds and their habitats in the Creston Valley” There are speakers and events scheduled throughout the 3 day event like kayaking, walking tours, winery, bus tours, bird bingo, star gazing, a birdothon and birding and birdwatching tours and guides of course. The Creston Valley Bird Festival is where birders meet in May.
    12th May, 2023 10:00AM
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