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All Torontonians are invited to join in welcoming newcomers in Toronto with activities and entertainment at this showcas...
All Torontonians are invited to join in welcoming newcomers in Toronto with activities and entertainment at this showcase of Toronto’s diverse communities. First proclaimed in 2015, Toronto Newcomer Day is an annual event held in May that welcomes newcomers to Toronto, helps them understand and access a wide range of services, and celebrates their contributions to the city. The event features a number of activities including a formal stage program, a citizenship ceremony for new Canadians, a Newcomer Marketplace, and an Information Fair.

Event Highlights:

Entertaining performances
Colouring for children
Free Tim Hortons beverages
Food Trucks
Interactive activities
Information Fair
Newcomer Marketplace
Newcomer food fair
Prizes and giveaways
Henna artist
HistoricTO Neighbourhood Walking Tours
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  •   Sonya Richmond commented on this post about 1 year ago
    Janel Coe created a new event

    Toronto Newcomer Day 2023

    All Torontonians are invited to join in welcoming newcomers in Toronto with activities and entertainment at this showcase of Toronto’s diverse communities. First proclaimed in 2015, Toronto Newcomer Day is an annual event held in May that welcomes newcomers to Toronto, helps them understand and a...
    All Torontonians are invited to join in welcoming newcomers in Toronto with activities and entertainment at this showcase of Toronto’s diverse communities. First proclaimed in 2015, Toronto Newcomer Day is an annual event held in May that welcomes newcomers to Toronto, helps them understand and access a wide range of services, and celebrates their contributions to the city. The event features a number of activities including a formal stage program, a citizenship ceremony for new Canadians, a Newcomer Marketplace, and an Information Fair.

    Event Highlights:

    Entertaining performances
    Colouring for children
    Free Tim Hortons beverages
    Food Trucks
    Interactive activities
    Information Fair
    Newcomer Marketplace
    Newcomer food fair
    Prizes and giveaways
    Henna artist
    HistoricTO Neighbourhood Walking Tours
    25th May, 2023 10:00AM
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