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Diana Mohrsen commented on this post about 1 year ago
Beef on a bun - I understand. Peameal on a bun - that's new to me!
Diana Mohrsen I LOVE Peameal Bacon on a Bun! Not as popular in the West as it is in Ontario but l finally found Peameal at Costco so l can get myDiana Mohrsen I LOVE Peameal Bacon on a Bun! Not as popular in the West as it is in Ontario but l finally found Peameal at Costco so l can get my Peameal Bacon fix
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Cary Horning Oh, it's a type of bacon, then? I've never heard of it but bacon on a bun I'd certainly try.
Peameal is new to me too. Will have to check Costco here, just in case.
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