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Event Information
Event Title:
Maple Sugar Festival Brooks Farms 2024 - Uxbridge Ontario Canada - 31.03.2024
Event Date / Time:

31st Mar, 2024 9:00AM


29th Apr, 2024 2:00PM

Event Description:
Maple Sugar Festival at Brooks Farms 2024 is from March 2nd to March 31st in Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada.

Join in the fun for Brooks Farms Annual Maple Sugar Festival!
Take a Wagon Ride back to the Bush and enjoy an educational tour given by one of the Farmers!
Maple Sugar Tastings, Bon Fires, Indoor Pancake House, Kids Activities and More!
Maple tours run at 10 am, 11 am, 12 pm, 1 pm, and the last one of the day is at 2 pm.
Open Saturdays & Sundays and every day during March Break

Lots of fun activities:
*Train or Wagon Ride
*Self-Guided & Guided Educational Tours
*Camp Fire in Sugar Bush
*Evaporator Demos
*Small maple syrup tasting
*Marshmallows to roast over the bonfires
*Maple Sugar Products (additional cost)
*Pancakes in The Barn (additional cost)
*Barnyard Playland (weather permitting)

Maplefest Ticket: $12.99 + HST
Adult Maplefest Ticket + Pancake Breakfast: $25.99 + HST
Child Maplefest Ticket + Pancake Breakfast: $25.99 + HST

Tickets available online!!

122 Ashworth Rd, Mount Albert, ON L0G 1M0, Canada
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