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Event Information
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Event Description:
The 38th Annual Lions Festival of Lights will be held from Saturday, November 23rd, 2024, to Wednesday, January 8th, 2025, at Confederation Park in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Calgary's largest free drive-by Christmas light show is the Lions' Festival of Lights.
Located at the SE corner of Confederation Park this spectacular light display has been delighting Calgarian families for 38 Years.
The Lions Festival of Lights is a Calgary Christmas tradition that never fails to delight young and old alike.
Drive by or park and take a stroll through Confederation Park, where over 650,000 festive bulbs on 25,000 strings will put you in the Christmas Spirit!

The Lights go on from 5:30 pm to midnight daily from November 23rd to January 8th giving you many opportunities to experience this dazzling display of holiday lights.
Dress warm and have fun!


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