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Bubbles for Lovers 2023

  •   Sonya Richmond reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Andrea Horning created a new event

    Bubbles for Lovers 2023

    "Flowers and chocolate are fine, but your partner deserves a little more." Market Wines

    Tis the season of love! Show the Valentine’s spirit a little longer this year and join Market Wines in Calgary Alberta for a romantic sparkling wine tasting on Thursday February 16 at 6:30pm. Show your part...
    "Flowers and chocolate are fine, but your partner deserves a little more." Market Wines

    Tis the season of love! Show the Valentine’s spirit a little longer this year and join Market Wines in Calgary Alberta for a romantic sparkling wine tasting on Thursday February 16 at 6:30pm. Show your partner how much you really love them and treat them to an indulgent night of bubbles! Keep in mind, quality time is bubbly time.

    This tasting also includes some delicious charcuterie from Soffritto. Please notify in advance if you have any allergies or dietary restrictions.

    To ensure the tasting starts on time, please arrive a few minutes prior to the event. Free 3 hour customer parking is available in the underground parkade behind Save On foods.

    Tickets are $55 each

    Safety is our #1 priority. Please ensure you plan for a safe ride home!
    Don't drink and drive.

    Happy Valentine's Day Calgary!

    About the organizer of Bubbles for Lovers-

    Market Wines has been providing Calgarians with fabulous tastings for many years. We offer high quality events showcasing wines and beers you won't find anywhere else. Our events are creative and informative, but most imortantly, they're a lot of fun!
    16th Feb, 2023 6:30PM - America/Edmonton
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