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  •   Diana Mohrsen commented on this post about 1 year ago
    Cary Horning created a new event

    Georgetown Fall Fair 2023 - Georgetown, Ontario, Canada

    The theme is Scarecrows & Car Shows at the 2023 Georgetown Fall Fair starting Friday, September 8th to Sunday, September 10th in Georgetown, Ontario, Canada.

    3 days of Entertainment & Fun for the whole family!

    Friday September 8th, 2023
    4:00 pm - Midway, Concessions, Homecraft Building, S...
    The theme is Scarecrows & Car Shows at the 2023 Georgetown Fall Fair starting Friday, September 8th to Sunday, September 10th in Georgetown, Ontario, Canada.

    3 days of Entertainment & Fun for the whole family!

    Friday September 8th, 2023
    4:00 pm - Midway, Concessions, Homecraft Building, Silent Auction, Agricultural Education Tent, Sand Lot and Toys, Games Area for Children
    4:00 pm - Beer Tent opens

    5:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Brown’s Garage Band

    7:00 pm - 9:00 pm - Dufferin County Line Band

    9:00 pm - Homecrafts and Children’s Activities closed

    9:00 pm– 11:00 pm Hotel California Band

    10:30 pm - Last call at Beer Tent

    11:00 pm - Fair closes

    Saturday September 9th, 2023

    9:00 am - Concessions, Homecrafts, Silent Auction, Agricultural Tent, Sand Toys, Games Area for Children

    10:30 am - 5:00 pm Children’s Crafts

    11:00 am - Milking Demonstration in Agriculture Tent

    11:30 am - Registration for Kiddie Pedal Tractor- The Pull starts at 12:00pm.

    12:00 - Beer Tent opens

    1:00 pm - 3:00 pm - Wendy Lynn Snider on stage

    2:00 pm - Milking Demonstration in Agriculture Tent

    2:30 pm - Registration for Kiddie Pedal Tractor– The Pull starts at 3:00 pm.

    3:00 pm - 5:00 pm - Mike the Piano Man on stage

    4:30 pm - Milking Demonstration in Agriculture Tent

    5:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Salt Water Cowboys on stage

    5:40 Greetings from the Town of Halton Hills

    6:00 pm - 8:30 pm - Demolition Derby presented by Edge Motorsport

    7:00 pm - 9:00 pm - Larry Melton Band

    9:00 pm - 11:00 pm - Practically Hip Band

    10:30 pm - Last call at The Beer Tent

    11:00 pm - Beer Tent Closes

    11:00 pm - Fair closes

    Sunday September 10th, 2023

    8:30 am - 11:00 am - Registration for Car and Truck Show

    9:00 am - Concessions, Homecraft Building, Silent Auction, Agricultural Education Tent, Sand Lot and Toys, Games Galore Area for Children

    10:30 am - 3:30 pm - Children’s Crafts

    11:00 am - Milking Demonstration in Agriculture Tent

    11:30 am - Registration for Kiddie Pedal Tractor, The Pull starts at 12:00pm.

    12:00 - Beer Tent opens

    12:00 - Car and Truck Show judging starts

    12:00 - 3:00 pm - Johnny & the Cruisers

    2:00 pm - Milking Demonstration in Agriculture Tent

    2:30 pm - Registration for Kiddie Pedal Tractor, The Pull starts at 3:00 pm.

    3:00 pm - Silent Auction closes

    4:00 pm - Homecrafts Building closes

    4:00 pm - Car and Truck Show ends

    5:00 pm - Beer tent closes

    5:00 pm - Fair closes

    Cash, Debit (HST included in all admissions).
    Onsite parking is $10 per vehicle.
    Q & A parking is $10.00 per vehicle
    8th Sep, 2023 4:00PM - America/Toronto
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