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  •   Take a Hike with your Children commented on this post about 6 years ago
    I recently hiked to the Wilcox Pass Lookout, and I was very fortunate to see these tracks in the snow. Do you have any idea what they are? If you guessed Wolverine, you are correct.
    They are the largest member of the weasel family and are very elusive and unfortunately, are currently listed as a Species of Special Concern.
    Douglas Chadwick, biologist and author of the book "The Wolverine Way" refers to them as "BadAss," and they do have a reputation for being nasty, however, in reading his book, I discovered that these carnivores have a friendly, playful and family oriented side to them.
    First Nations mythology describes the Wolverine as a trickster-hero, and a link to the spirit world. Hopefully, with the current wolverine research that is being conducted, we won't be left with just the myths but will continue to see evidence of these fantastic creatures in the wild.
    Link to Species At Risk Website
    Link to Douglas Chadwick's book "The Wolverine Way"
    I do NOT get money for clicking on either of these links, I am sharing for anyone that would like to read and find out more about wolverines.
    Happy Hiking!
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