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  • Andrea Horning created a new event

    The Edmonton Heritage Festival

    Getting into the Celebration in 2021!!

    Experience the world in 3 days all in one place and in Edmonton! The world's largest multicultural festival!

    Take a look at Pakistani art, enjoy the flavours of Fiji, feel the beat of Brazil and explore some exotic cultures from Afghanistan to Zimbab...
    Getting into the Celebration in 2021!!

    Experience the world in 3 days all in one place and in Edmonton! The world's largest multicultural festival!

    Take a look at Pakistani art, enjoy the flavours of Fiji, feel the beat of Brazil and explore some exotic cultures from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe!

    Presented by Servus Credit Union, The Edmonton Heritage Festival is a family friendly, alcohol-free (physically distanting) mingling of nations.

    Try culinary treats, shop for artwork for your home, and talk with folks who are proud to share their unique roots and the rich multi-cultural communities they have created all over Canada.

    More than 70 pavilions representing over 90 countries and cultures coming together to share their entertainment and culture as well as celebrate diversity.

    For the first time ever you will need tickets with timed entry. Tickets are 100% FREE, but you will need one to enter.

    To enter the park during the Heritage Celebration 2021, visitors are required to present a Timed-Entry Pass. They will be available through Eventbrite for FREE. Visitors will NOT be able to enter without a Timed-Entry Pass. We will only be allowing a fixed number of people into the park per hour.

    Passes will be scanned at 3 entry points- the main entrance, the bus entrance and the bridge entrance.

    Timed-Entry Passes will be available to book as of June 19, 2021.

    ​Festival times
    Saturday, July 31- 9am-8pm
    Sunday, August 1- 9am-9m
    Monday, August 2- 9am-8pm

    To decrease person to person interaction, there will be NO FOOD TICKETS for sale. Food and goods can be purchased directly from the pavilions by credit or debit ONLY. NO CASH ACCEPTED!
    31st Jul, 2021 9:00AM - UTC
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