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  • Andrea Horning created a new event

    Molner's Pumpkin Festival

    Admission includes lots of fun family games, photo opportunities, pony rides, pumpkin bounce house and your choice pumpkin out of the patch! Due to Covid there will be no hay ride this year. We will go ahead rain or shine no refunds. 2 and under are free
    Time slot tickets available at https://mo...
    Admission includes lots of fun family games, photo opportunities, pony rides, pumpkin bounce house and your choice pumpkin out of the patch! Due to Covid there will be no hay ride this year. We will go ahead rain or shine no refunds. 2 and under are free
    Time slot tickets available at https://molnarsfarm.wixsite.com/website?fbclid=IwAR1OtFnmWU6ziXN3I0WL-Gt03nGDzdMJGpIGpDy2Tc_eEyZzPVE4lCYIgwg
    Time slots are 10am-12pm and 12:30pm-2:30pm

    9th Oct, 2021 10:00AM - America/Edmonton
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