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  • Andrea Horning created a new event

    Crossfield Christmas Market -Alberta

    What's better than a THREE venue Christmas market?

    That's right, we are on the move.

    Save the dates:
    Nov 5, 4-8
    Nov 6, 10-4

    Crossfield Community Centre
    900 Mountain Ave

    WG Murdoch School
    1020 Mountain Ave

    Crossfield Elementary
    1120 Mountain Ave


    What's better than a THREE venue Christmas market?

    That's right, we are on the move.

    Save the dates:
    Nov 5, 4-8
    Nov 6, 10-4

    Crossfield Community Centre
    900 Mountain Ave

    WG Murdoch School
    1020 Mountain Ave

    Crossfield Elementary
    1120 Mountain Ave


    Collicutt Siding Golf Club
    1025 Western Drive

    ALL within 4 minutes of each other.

    Operating at 1/3 capacity with masks required and social distancing. No need for proof of Vax.
    5th Nov, 2021 4:00PM - America/Edmonton
    • Sarah Stewart
      Oh wow! This is a big one!!
    • Sarah Stewart it's amazing! I had such a great time last year finding lots of cool gifts, and will totally be returning this year. It's quite theSarah Stewart it's amazing! I had such a great time last year finding lots of cool gifts, and will totally be returning this year. It's quite the event for a small town :  More ...
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