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  •   Sarah Stewart commented on this post about 3 years ago
    Andrea Horning created a new event

    Victorian Christmas Market - Charlottetown

    Come celebrate the holiday season in an enchanting storybook setting reminiscent of European Christmas Markets at the 7th annual Victorian Christmas Market Nov 26-28, 2021 in Charlottetown. Returning this year as part of the extended Charlottetown Christmas Festival, this open-air market on Queen...
    Come celebrate the holiday season in an enchanting storybook setting reminiscent of European Christmas Markets at the 7th annual Victorian Christmas Market Nov 26-28, 2021 in Charlottetown. Returning this year as part of the extended Charlottetown Christmas Festival, this open-air market on Queen Street is the largest of its kind in Atlantic Canada.

    Presented by the Confederation Court Mall, this signature event brings artisans, food vendors, and crafters from across Prince Edward Island (safely) together in downtown Charlottetown. Market attendees can expect Whoville-inspired decor, carollers, horse & wagon rides, live music, hot cocoa, fire pits, live ice sculpting, and plenty of chances to shop for locally-made goods this Christmas.
    26th Nov, 2021 2:00PM - America/Glace_Bay
    • Sarah Stewart
      Yes! It's that time again!!!
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