Tip to Tip on PEI's Confederation Trail Hiking the Trans Canada Trail in Prince Edward Island Confederation Trail on Prince Edward Island (PEI) is a stunning 449 km long multi-use rail trail that stretches across the pro...
8 Birding Hotspots in BC Canada You May Not Know About Best Birdwatching Trails of Canada's West Coast Birding British Columbia from the Trans Canada Trail led us to discover some truly amazing and greatly underappreciat...
8 Underappreciated Birding Hotspots in Alberta Canada Alberta's Best Bird Watching Trails Birding the Trans Canada Trail in Alberta Canada was a rich and rewarding experience for us. The rail trails, backcountry wilderne...
Birdwatching on the shore of the Salish Sea You don't have to be an avid bird watcher to fall in love with these majestic birds. The Majestic Bald Eagle of British Columbia, Canada are quite the sight to see.&n...
Birding the Trans Canada Trail in Winnipeg Urban birding in the Prairies Birding Hotspots in Winnipeg Manitoba - Manitoba can be a highly rewarding and truly amazing birding experience. While many o...
5 Hidden Birding Gems in Saskatchewan Beyond the usual Prairie Birding sites Birding Hotspots in Saskatchewan makes for a rich and rewarding experience during all seasons. Over 350 bird species can be seen...
As billions of birds make their way north each spring, birders flock to hotspots across Canada to see as many species as possible. Visiting well-known locations like Ontario's Point Pelee National Park can be spectacular...
Hiking in Summer Weather in Canada How to have an enjoyable hiking season in the Canadian summer's heat Hiking in hot weather just got a little bit more bearable. Thanks to Hong Kong's hot and humid weather for 9 months ...